Summer Research Fellowship in Benign Hematology
Duke’s T32 Training Program in Hematology and Transfusion Medicine is providing an in-depth summer research training experience in non-malignant hematology for two medical/osteopathic students from underrepresented minority groups. Participating medical students will pursue mentored training in research areas of non-malignant hematology (sickle cell disorders, immunohematology, hemostasis & thrombosis, and/or transfusion medicine & apheresis) with preceptor faculty who have primary appointment in the Division of Hematology at Duke University Medical Center.
Duke’s Division of Hematology is nationally recognized for its excellence and is committed to preparing trainees for future investigative careers. Students will train in an environment with state-of-the art facilities, receive structured training in research methodology and career development, and participate in clinical activities related to their area of research. The ideal candidate will demonstrate excellence in previous academic endeavors, commit to full-time (40 hours/week) research for a minimum of 8 weeks (12 weeks maximum) and be a United States citizen or permanent resident. Prior research experience helpful, but not necessary. The position provides a monthly salary as well as financial support to attend a national hematology meeting.
If interested, please complete the following online application (Duke Hematology T32 Medical Student Research Application), which includes a request for CV, undergraduate/medical school transcripts and names/contact information of two references.
Program Director: Gowthami Arepally, MD
Application open: January 4, 2021
Application closed: March 31, 2021
Application Reviews: April 1-15, 2021
Award Notification: May 3, 2021
Program start date: June 2021 through Aug 2021